Tuesday 7 February 2012

That was summer...

That was summer...

Hmmmm Summer... do you remember the grass at the farm? Itchy and dead and all hot? The poop from the cows all stinky and yuck? And the trees leaves waving from side to side in the gentle breeze? Ohh yes that was Summer...

And do you remember how the waves of the sea splashing on your sand castle? And how refreshing the waves felt when you splashed through them? And how the the sun wanted to eat your ice block before you did? Then the ice blocks melted and you felt something wet on your shirt? Ohh yes that was Summer...

And do you remember how the you flopped on the soft silky sand at the beach? And how you got hot dogs but you dropped them? And then you went rafting or kayaking? Ohh yes that was summer...


  1. I like your "Hmmmm" and "Ohh yes" parts, Teva. It shows feeling and gives this writing personality.

    1. Thank's Mr M and I do like to make story's "interesting"



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